Just for the record, I have been to Australia, the 7th continent needed for this compilation. It was in the mid ‘90s when my younger son was still in high school. An unbelievable air fare came through my company, so I took Kim out of school, and we went. It was an unforgettable trip. Unfortunately, my photos were lost in a computer crash, so will have to reconstruct it verbaly from memory or photos retrieved elsewhere.
AYER'S ROCK is a two+-mile rock protruding in central Australia. Also known as Uluru, it is integral to Aboriginal history dating from the beginning of time (see https://www.britannica.com/topic/the-Dreaming-Australian-Aboriginal-mythology). The expansiveness of being in this place prompted my son to yield to emotions. I can’t think of a more appropriate response. |
SCUBA DIVING - Unlike extensive training and licensing required in the US before underwater diving, we got a good 15 minutes of instruction in Cairns before going under. The reef was mind blowing. I have been paying attention to its demise ever since. |
TATTOOS - Kim got a tattoo about the punk rock band No Fear on his wrist in Cairns, but the same artist didn’t have time for me, so recommended a source for when we got back to Sydney en route home. We went, since I wanted to get a compass tattoo’d on a buttock. Amazingly, this place was glass fronted, on a busy street. So there I was, butt naked in the window getting the tattoo when several skinheads walked in and asked, “Is that your mother?” Kim was mortified, to say the least. The tattoo is faded, but still there. |
More of Linda's trips